Switch to Blend

Switching Accountants has never been easier

Finding the right accountant that supports you at every stage of your business journey is so important to get right. When you choose to work with Blend Accountants you can expect industry-leading advice, the latest software knowledge and expertise.

Changing to Blend is a straight forward process, we do all of the liaising with your old accountant and ensure the transition is smooth and hassle free.

  • Competitive and transparent pricing
  • Dedicated client manager
  • Seamless onboarding process
  • Access to the latest timesaving software and apps
  • Business boosting 3rd party relationships

Why switch Accountants?

How do you know it is time to switch to a new accounting firm?

Change is hard. We tend to stick with what we know, even if it doesn’t work or, worse, frustrates us. That goes for everything from electricity providers to, you guessed it, accountants.

Changing accountants is a straightforward process. Businesses change accountants due to the growth and change of their business, or their accountants may have grown and changed.

When is it time to change your Accountant?

If you are thinking of changing, how many of the following danger signs are you getting from your current accountant?

  • No sign of the cloud: Cloud accounting is no longer the future – it is the present! It is the 21st century, and if your accountant is sticking with spreadsheets and paper, and not providing digital solutions, you are missing out on opportunities to save money and time with software such as Xero, Freeagent and Quickbooks.
  • You are doing all the running: You see news of a change to tax law in the Budget and wait to hear from your accountant how that may affect you or your business – that update never comes.
  • They are costing you money: Choose a price and package that suits you. When you switch to us, you could realise you have been paying too much tax, often for years.
  • Growth: Your existing Accountant is unable support your business as it expands and develops.


It is so important to us that you are a happy client! Switching accountants can be done with minimal fuss, effort, and disruption to your business.


If you are looking to change your accountant for any reason, all you have to do is contact us. Sign up and then you can leave us to manage the paperwork quietly in the background. We will get all your financial information from your existing accountant and transfer it to Fusion. We can even start the set-up process using our accounting software straight away while we manage the handover. There might be a few administrative bits and pieces afterwards to tie up at the end.

This depends on how quickly we get the information from your previous accountant when we send the dis-engagement letter. However, we will do our best to make sure that the handover process is as smooth as possible. Once we have the necessary information, it normally takes a week to update the app with your accounts.

Although the easiest time to switch accountants is at the end of your business financial year, it may not be practical to wait. If you change your accountant mid-year, we may need to recreate what your accountant has done. In these circumstances, we will always agree on what work is required in advance, clearly detailing any associated costs.

It is not really that hard to change accountants. In fact, as we’ve outlined above it’s a very simple and hassle-free exercise! However, before you take that leap, we highly recommend you think about what it is you need in a new accountant first. This often starts with establishing what it is you do not like about your current accountant.

Why our clients love Blend